
måndag 23 februari 2015

Year 5 has written about different topics, finally...

Music and dance

We in Sweden like pop, rap and techno music.
We also like hit music that is on the top list in Spotify and Youtube.
We also dance "the frog dance" and "karusellen" when it is Midsummer. (See movie on Facebook.)
Every year it is a show on TV called Melodifestivalen where we vote for the song we want to take part in the Eurovision Song Contest. You can write your own song and sing it in TV.If you want to you can dance when you sing.

Bye bye from Peter Dorentina and Moa, year 5.

Religious festivals/Christmas

We celebrate Christmas, Midsummer,Easter, Halloween and Valentine´s day. Here is what we do:

At Christmas, the 24th of December, we look at program on TV at 3 o´clock, the name is Kalle Anka (Donald Duck).After that we eat ham, small sausages (we call it prince sausages), potatoes, meatballs and herring. Then it is time to open the presents.

At Midsummet (about the 20th of June) we dance and sing around a midsummer pole.
Bildresultat för midsommarstångThis is a midsummer pole.

 And we eat almost the same food as on Christmas. We play until the sun is gone (which is very late in the night).

Easter is the day Jesus died. At Easter we have an egg named "Påskägg", Easter Egg, with much candy. Someone hides the eggs and we can look for them to get them.

At Halloween we dress scary and say "Bus eller godis", trick or treat. Then we get candy.

Valentine´s day
At Valentine´s day we are with family and friends.

Bye bye from Leon, Elin and Yasmin

Winter and winter sports

In winter we play a lot of winter sports.
We skate on the ice, we play ice-hockey, we ski, we go sledding and we play bandy.
On the breaks, some of us go outside school and have a fight with snow balls (for fun of course).
This year we didn´t get so much snow in Mölndal.

Bye bye from Sara, Noel and Kevin

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